Monday, September 19, 2011

What if?

Why can we get up an hour early to go jogging or to straighten our hair, but we can't do the same to read a scripture of the bible or to just use that time to talk to God? Why is that? To me I think that we are just selfish people. We let Satin get into our heads saying that oh your not a skinny as the other people around you, that you decide to get up every morning to go jogging to correct the problem. Or that you straighten your hair because you hate wearing it down and curly... We make the excuse that we don't have time to read the bible or to pray. Why do we do that to our creator? There are families that have more busier lives that still make time to pray and to read their bibles. It's because they love God so much that they want him as an everyday part of their lives. They make time for Him! Why can't we all do that? I think we keep ourselves from Him. I think we must have self-control of ourselves before we can really get close to Him! If you agree then comment. Don't be afraid!